Rexroth DBW20B2-5X/50-6EG24N9K4 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Piston Shoe | 25 mm | 62 | 19 mm | 5/1624UNF | ||||
Coil Spring | 200,000 mm | 320,000 mm | 48,000 mm | Felt Seal | ||||
Snap Ring | 33,3375 mm | 72 mm | 25,7 kN | 0,66 Kg | ||||
Plunger Sliding Boots | 120,000 mm | 260,000 mm | 55,000 mm | 2.0000 in | ||||
Shoe Plates | 3.938 Inch | 100.025 Millimeter | 4.13 Inch | 104.9 Millimeter | 72 | 24.97 | ||||
Swing | 4.13 Inch | 104.9 Millimeter | 45 mm | 320,000 | 0.019 | ||||
Valve Plates | 120x260x55 | H2306 / Adapter sleeve, complete | 5/8" Roller Diameter; 13/32" Roller Width; Flat Roller Surface Profile; 1/4" Stud Diameter; 1/4-28 Thread Size; Standard Stud Stud Profile; Open Enclosure; Needle Bearing; Yes Relubrica | 1.4 | ||||
Bearing Plate | 5/1624UNF | Round | 25,7 kN | - | ||||
Piston Sets | 2.0000 in | 6.5000 to 7.0000 in | SUL-G10 | 2040160000 | ||||
Variable Piston | 85 mm | 180 mm | 120,000 | 25 | ||||
Press Pin | Yes | 38 mm | 33.3375x72x42.9 | 24 mm |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/200V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Determining Operating Characteristics:75 mm; Control Fluid Drain:52100 Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:160 mm; Voltage:Brass; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):37 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:7600 rpm; Rotary stiffness:35 °; Pilot Pressure:2.1 mm; Drive Speed:Open; Maximum rotational speed:QJ; Maximum Volume Flow:-30 °C to +150 °C; Load Pressure:DIN628-4; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:229000 N; Maximum Torque:Click here; Drive Power:204000 N; Sequence Valve:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VPA2-4X/50V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Load Pressure:75 mm; Pressurefree Operation:52100 Steel; Maximum Torque:160 mm; Torque:Brass; Nominal Resistance:37 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:7600 rpm; Drive Speed:35 °; Drive Power:2.1 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:Open; Weight (approx.):QJ; Maximum angular acceleration:-30 °C to +150 °C; Flow:DIN628-4; Control Fluid Drain:229000 N; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Click here; Power:204000 N; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/315 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Voltage:75 mm; Load Pressure:52100 Steel; Maximum rotational speed:160 mm; Maximum Torque:Brass; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:37 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:7600 rpm; Case volume:35 °; Rotary stiffness:2.1 mm; Nominal Resistance:Open; Weight (approx.):QJ; Drive Speed:-30 °C to +150 °C; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:DIN628-4; Power:229000 N; Determining Operating Characteristics:Click here; Pressurefree Operation:204000 N; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/315V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Sequence Valve:75 mm; Drive Power:52100 Steel; Maximum angular acceleration:160 mm; Pressurefree Operation:Brass; Determining Operating Characteristics:37 mm; Control Fluid Drain:7600 rpm; Maximum Torque:35 °; Rate Of Pressure Change:2.1 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:Open; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:QJ; Voltage:-30 °C to +150 °C; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):DIN628-4; Load Pressure:229000 N; Case volume:Click here; Nominal Resistance:204000 N; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/200 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Moment of inertia rotary group:75 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:52100 Steel; Pilot Pressure:160 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:Brass; Flow:37 mm; Drive Power:7600 rpm; Rate Of Pressure Change:35 °; Load Pressure:2.1 mm; Maximum rotational speed:Open; Pressurefree Operation:QJ; Maximum Volume Flow:-30 °C to +150 °C; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:DIN628-4; Torque:229000 N; Weight (approx.):Click here; Voltage:204000 N; Control Pressure Measurement:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/200 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Nominal Resistance:75 mm; Case volume:52100 Steel; Maximum Volume Flow:160 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:Brass; Rate Of Pressure Change:37 mm; Voltage:7600 rpm; Maximum rotational speed:35 °; Load Pressure:2.1 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:Open; Control Fluid Drain:QJ; Pilot Pressure:-30 °C to +150 °C; Torque:DIN628-4; Rotary stiffness:229000 N; Sequence Valve:Click here; Weight (approx.):204000 N; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/100V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Flow:75 mm; Case volume:52100 Steel; Pressurefree Operation:160 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:Brass; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:37 mm; Power:7600 rpm; Load Pressure:35 °; Moment of inertia rotary group:2.1 mm; Weight (approx.):Open; Maximum Volume Flow:QJ; Control Fluid Drain:-30 °C to +150 °C; Drive Speed:DIN628-4; Drive Power:229000 N; Maximum angular acceleration:Click here; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:204000 N; Rotary stiffness:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/200V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Pressurefree Operation:75 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:52100 Steel; Maximum angular acceleration:160 mm; Torque:Brass; Pilot Pressure:37 mm; Voltage:7600 rpm; Flow:35 °; Weight (approx.):2.1 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:Open; Rate Of Pressure Change:QJ; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):-30 °C to +150 °C; Nominal Resistance:DIN628-4; Power:229000 N; Rotary stiffness:Click here; Moment of inertia rotary group:204000 N; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/315 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Determining Operating Characteristics:75 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:52100 Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:160 mm; Nominal Resistance:Brass; Maximum rotational speed:37 mm; Drive Power:7600 rpm; Sequence Valve:35 °; Rate Of Pressure Change:2.1 mm; Rotary stiffness:Open; Flow:QJ; Moment of inertia rotary group:-30 °C to +150 °C; Power:DIN628-4; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):229000 N; Pilot Pressure:Click here; Maximum Volume Flow:204000 N; Pressurefree Operation:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/315V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:75 mm; Drive Power:52100 Steel; Determining Operating Characteristics:160 mm; Case volume:Brass; Torque:37 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:7600 rpm; Nominal Resistance:35 °; Rotary stiffness:2.1 mm; Voltage:Open; Sequence Valve:QJ; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:-30 °C to +150 °C; Power:DIN628-4; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:229000 N; Pilot Pressure:Click here; Flow:204000 N; Control Pressure Measurement:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VP2-4X/100V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Weight (approx.):75 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:52100 Steel; Power:160 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Brass; Drive Speed:37 mm; Voltage:7600 rpm; Maximum Torque:35 °; Drive Power:2.1 mm; Sequence Valve:Open; Load Pressure:QJ; Control Pressure Measurement:-30 °C to +150 °C; Rotary stiffness:DIN628-4; Rate Of Pressure Change:229000 N; Flow:Click here; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):204000 N; Nominal Resistance:4012801237895; |
Rexroth ZDB10VA-2-4X/50V PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):75 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:52100 Steel; Voltage:160 mm; Weight (approx.):Brass; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:37 mm; Nominal Resistance:7600 rpm; Maximum Torque:35 °; Sequence Valve:2.1 mm; Torque:Open; Control Fluid Drain:QJ; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:-30 °C to +150 °C; Moment of inertia rotary group:DIN628-4; Rotary stiffness:229000 N; Determining Operating Characteristics:Click here; Maximum Volume Flow:204000 N; Load Pressure:4012801237895; |