Product Details

Yuken BT-06- 32 pressure valve

Brand Name Yuken
Model Number BT-06- 32
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


Yuken BT-06- 32 pressure valve##Parts Table 1##

Bushing Spring406,4 mm660,4 mm100x150x2436720 r/min
Swash Plate Assy9 mm20 mm6 mm0,0076 Kg
Back Plate50.8 mm2,5 mm55.4 mm4.38 kg
Seal Kits2.756 Inch | 70 Millimeter4.74 Inch | 120.396 Millimeter3.126 Inch | 79.4 Millimeter10.442
Piston Shoe2.188 Inch | 55.575 Millimeter5.75 Inch | 146.05 Millimeter185.448
Coil Spring433,4 mm1.25 Inch | 31.75 Millimeter26 mm7.711
Spacer1.25 Inch | 31.75 Millimeter2.563 Inch | 65.1 MillimeterBall0.278
Disc Springs10.5 in2120.060 in0.98 kN
Regulator4 mm7 mm2,5 mm9 mm
Housings Casings222130.8SKF0,11 kN
Saddle Bearing60 mm95 mm18 mm61.3 mm
Seal Kit For Hyd Pump100 mm150 mm24 mm4x7x2.5
Socket Bolt0.6740,08 mm8482.10.50.68


Yuken MSW-04-*-10 pressure valveControl Pressure Measurement:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):160x290x80; Maximum Torque:160; Moment of inertia rotary group:290; Drive Power:80; Voltage:160 mm; Weight (approx.):290 mm; Drive Speed:80 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:12 mm; Maximum rotational speed:24,5 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:251,1 mm; Load Pressure:276 mm; Case volume:205,5 mm; Rotary stiffness:192 mm; Flow:174 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:210 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:261 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:193 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:3 mm; Control Fluid Drain:2,5 mm; Nominal Resistance:3 mm; Power:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Torque:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Pilot Pressure:24,1 kg / Weight; Sequence Valve:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken MPW-04-*-10 pressure valveVoltage:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Flow:160x290x80; Determining Operating Characteristics:160; Pressurefree Operation:290; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):80; Maximum rotational speed:160 mm; Torque:290 mm; Drive Power:80 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:12 mm; Weight (approx.):24,5 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:251,1 mm; Case volume:276 mm; Pilot Pressure:205,5 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:192 mm; Drive Speed:174 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:210 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:261 mm; Rotary stiffness:193 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:3 mm; Sequence Valve:2,5 mm; Load Pressure:3 mm; Nominal Resistance:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Rate Of Pressure Change:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Control Fluid Drain:24,1 kg / Weight; Power:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken DSG-01 pressure valveMaximum rotational speed:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Maximum angular acceleration:160x290x80; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:160; Rotary stiffness:290; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):80; Maximum Volume Flow:160 mm; Weight (approx.):290 mm; Flow:80 mm; Nominal Resistance:12 mm; Sequence Valve:24,5 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:251,1 mm; Torque:276 mm; Drive Speed:205,5 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:192 mm; Pressurefree Operation:174 mm; Power:210 mm; Control Fluid Drain:261 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:193 mm; Pilot Pressure:3 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:2,5 mm; Voltage:3 mm; Drive Power:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Load Pressure:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Case volume:24,1 kg / Weight; Control Pressure Measurement:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken DSG-03 pressure valvePower:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Maximum Torque:160x290x80; Drive Speed:160; Case volume:290; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):80; Pilot Pressure:160 mm; Flow:290 mm; Pressurefree Operation:80 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:12 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:24,5 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:251,1 mm; Load Pressure:276 mm; Nominal Resistance:205,5 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:192 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:174 mm; Voltage:210 mm; Weight (approx.):261 mm; Control Fluid Drain:193 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:3 mm; Rotary stiffness:2,5 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:3 mm; Torque:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Control Pressure Measurement:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Sequence Valve:24,1 kg / Weight; Maximum rotational speed:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken DSHG-03 pressure valveDrive Speed:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Maximum rotational speed:160x290x80; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:160; Control Pressure Measurement:290; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):80; Pilot Pressure:160 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:290 mm; Power:80 mm; Rotary stiffness:12 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:24,5 mm; Voltage:251,1 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:276 mm; Torque:205,5 mm; Flow:192 mm; Weight (approx.):174 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:210 mm; Case volume:261 mm; Drive Power:193 mm; Pressurefree Operation:3 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:2,5 mm; Nominal Resistance:3 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Sequence Valve:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Determining Operating Characteristics:24,1 kg / Weight; Load Pressure:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken MSW-06 pressure valveDrive Speed:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Case volume:160x290x80; Flow:160; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:290; Pilot Pressure:80; Moment of inertia rotary group:160 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:290 mm; Rotary stiffness:80 mm; Weight (approx.):12 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:24,5 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:251,1 mm; Maximum Torque:276 mm; Drive Power:205,5 mm; Voltage:192 mm; Load Pressure:174 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:210 mm; Sequence Valve:261 mm; Maximum rotational speed:193 mm; Power:3 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:2,5 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:3 mm; Nominal Resistance:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Control Fluid Drain:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Pressurefree Operation:24,1 kg / Weight; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken MPW-03-*-20 pressure valveControl Fluid Drain:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:160x290x80; Rate Of Pressure Change:160; Torque:290; Weight (approx.):80; Case volume:160 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:290 mm; Maximum Torque:80 mm; Drive Speed:12 mm; Sequence Valve:24,5 mm; Rotary stiffness:251,1 mm; Flow:276 mm; Load Pressure:205,5 mm; Pressurefree Operation:192 mm; Pilot Pressure:174 mm; Voltage:210 mm; Drive Power:261 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:193 mm; Power:3 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:2,5 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:3 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Maximum rotational speed:24,1 kg / Weight; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken DSHG-10 pressure valveMaximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Control Fluid Drain:160x290x80; Pilot Pressure:160; Torque:290; Power:80; Maximum Volume Flow:160 mm; Voltage:290 mm; Pressurefree Operation:80 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:12 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:24,5 mm; Maximum Torque:251,1 mm; Rotary stiffness:276 mm; Nominal Resistance:205,5 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):192 mm; Maximum rotational speed:174 mm; Drive Speed:210 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:261 mm; Case volume:193 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:3 mm; Flow:2,5 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:3 mm; Weight (approx.):7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Rate Of Pressure Change:24,1 kg / Weight; Drive Power:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken DSHG-06 pressure valveVoltage:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Maximum Volume Flow:160x290x80; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):160; Weight (approx.):290; Rate Of Pressure Change:80; Drive Power:160 mm; Load Pressure:290 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:80 mm; Power:12 mm; Case volume:24,5 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:251,1 mm; Pressurefree Operation:276 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:205,5 mm; Flow:192 mm; Sequence Valve:174 mm; Control Fluid Drain:210 mm; Maximum Torque:261 mm; Nominal Resistance:193 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:3 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2,5 mm; Pilot Pressure:3 mm; Torque:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Control Pressure Measurement:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Maximum angular acceleration:24,1 kg / Weight; Drive Speed:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken MPW-06 pressure valveMaximum rotational speed:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:160x290x80; Control Fluid Drain:160; Control Pressure Measurement:290; Drive Power:80; Maximum Volume Flow:160 mm; Drive Speed:290 mm; Case volume:80 mm; Load Pressure:12 mm; Voltage:24,5 mm; Sequence Valve:251,1 mm; Flow:276 mm; Nominal Resistance:205,5 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:192 mm; Rotary stiffness:174 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:210 mm; Pressurefree Operation:261 mm; Maximum Torque:193 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:3 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):2,5 mm; Weight (approx.):3 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Rate Of Pressure Change:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Power:24,1 kg / Weight; Pilot Pressure:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken DSHG-04 pressure valvePilot Pressure:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Rotary stiffness:160x290x80; Moment of inertia rotary group:160; Maximum rotational speed:290; Drive Speed:80; Control Fluid Drain:160 mm; Case volume:290 mm; Nominal Resistance:80 mm; Maximum Torque:12 mm; Sequence Valve:24,5 mm; Weight (approx.):251,1 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:276 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:205,5 mm; Voltage:192 mm; Power:174 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:210 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:261 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:193 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:3 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:2,5 mm; Load Pressure:3 mm; Flow:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Drive Power:HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Pressurefree Operation:24,1 kg / Weight; Torque:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;
Yuken MPB-03-*-20 pressure valveMaximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:NJ2232-E-M1 + HJ2232-E; Maximum rotational speed:160x290x80; Control Pressure Measurement:160; Voltage:290; Torque:80; Flow:160 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:290 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):80 mm; Rotary stiffness:12 mm; Sequence Valve:24,5 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:251,1 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:276 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:205,5 mm; Control Fluid Drain:192 mm; Case volume:174 mm; Pilot Pressure:210 mm; Power:261 mm; Nominal Resistance:193 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:3 mm; Maximum Torque:2,5 mm; Load Pressure:3 mm; Drive Power:7,2 mm / Axial displacement facility from central position; Weight (approx.):HJ2232E / Designation, Lsection ring; Maximum Volume Flow:24,1 kg / Weight; Maximum angular acceleration:1,56 kg; Cr:940000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial); C0r:1170000 N / Static load rating (radial); nG:3600 1/min / Limiting speed; nB:1680 1/min / Reference speed; Cur:184000 N / Fatigue limit load, radial;



Yuken BT-06- 32 pressure valve Video


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