Yuken PV2R34-76-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump#Parts Table 1# | ||||||||
Separator | 62 mm | 40 mm | 30 mm | 30 mm | ||||
Plunger Sliding Boots | 385 mm | 260 mm | 305 kN | 18,3 Kg | ||||
Cylinder Blocks | 110 mm | 63,5 mm | 25,4 mm | 0,982 Kg | ||||
Pump Right Rotating Group | 0.46 | 22.22 mm | 34 mm | 0.64 kg | ||||
Back Plate | ZZ (Double Shield) | N/A | 1.3 mm | 0.508 | ||||
Coil Spring | 114 | 39.6 mm | Lubrication Hole | 1.698 | ||||
Regulator | 18,5 mm | 1.4 | 40 | 0.854 | ||||
Retainer Plate | 5-1/2 in | Carboxylated Nitrile | 2-1/2 in | 25mm | ||||
Rod | 7 in | 2-7/16 in | 5 in | 60 mm | ||||
Oil Distribution Disc Plug | Yes | -20 °C | -40 °C | 55 mm | ||||
Push Rod | 8,2 mm | 2-1/2 in | Bronze | 4 300 r/min | ||||
Block Cylinder | 62mm | 25mm | 24mm | 940MM Shaft Dia; 1000MM Housing Bore; 25MM Nominal Width; Carboxylated Nitrile Lip; Solid Seal; 25MM Actual Width; Spring Loaded; 1 Sealing Lips; Stainless Steel Garter Lip Retainer; Steel Case Construction; HDS1 Seal Design Code | ||||
Set Plate | 112,712 mm | 70,637 mm | 25,4 mm | Yes | ||||
Swash Plate | M6x1 | 62mm | 4016.93.50.20 | 260 mm |
Yuken PV2R34-76-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.6250 in; Voltage:1000 lb; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1.3440 in; Load Pressure:Grease; Case volume:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Rotary stiffness:Max 350°; Control Pressure Measurement:Left Hand; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5000 in; Flow:Commercial; Drive Speed:.5620 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:With Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Torque:.7500 in; Pressurefree Operation:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Volume Flow:2.5000 in; Nominal Resistance:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Weight (approx.):CFF; Pilot Pressure:10000 lb; Power:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-153-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Power:0.6250 in; Pressurefree Operation:1000 lb; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.3440 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Grease; Maximum rotational speed:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum Torque:Max 350°; Drive Power:Left Hand; Rotary stiffness:1.5000 in; Drive Speed:Commercial; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:.5620 in; Nominal Resistance:With Lubrication Fitting; Determining Operating Characteristics:.7500 in; Control Fluid Drain:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):2.5000 in; Voltage:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Moment of inertia rotary group:CFF; Weight (approx.):10000 lb; Torque:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.6250 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1000 lb; Flow:1.3440 in; Maximum rotational speed:Grease; Maximum Torque:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Rate Of Pressure Change:Max 350°; Control Fluid Drain:Left Hand; Torque:1.5000 in; Pressurefree Operation:Commercial; Load Pressure:.5620 in; Weight (approx.):With Lubrication Fitting; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:.7500 in; Rotary stiffness:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum angular acceleration:2.5000 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Power:CFF; Nominal Resistance:10000 lb; Determining Operating Characteristics:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Flow:0.6250 in; Power:1000 lb; Control Fluid Drain:1.3440 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Grease; Determining Operating Characteristics:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Max 350°; Drive Speed:Left Hand; Maximum angular acceleration:1.5000 in; Torque:Commercial; Drive Power:.5620 in; Weight (approx.):With Lubrication Fitting; Control Pressure Measurement:.7500 in; Maximum Torque:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.5000 in; Maximum rotational speed:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Rate Of Pressure Change:CFF; Rotary stiffness:10000 lb; Nominal Resistance:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Sequence Valve:0.6250 in; Case volume:1000 lb; Voltage:1.3440 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Grease; Control Pressure Measurement:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Flow:Max 350°; Weight (approx.):Left Hand; Pressurefree Operation:1.5000 in; Pilot Pressure:Commercial; Determining Operating Characteristics:.5620 in; Power:With Lubrication Fitting; Maximum angular acceleration:.7500 in; Rotary stiffness:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Drive Power:2.5000 in; Maximum Torque:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Load Pressure:CFF; Maximum rotational speed:10000 lb; Nominal Resistance:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum rotational speed:0.6250 in; Sequence Valve:1000 lb; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1.3440 in; Pilot Pressure:Grease; Maximum Volume Flow:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Rotary stiffness:Max 350°; Weight (approx.):Left Hand; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.5000 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Commercial; Determining Operating Characteristics:.5620 in; Drive Speed:With Lubrication Fitting; Drive Power:.7500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2.5000 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Control Fluid Drain:CFF; Case volume:10000 lb; Maximum Torque:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-184F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.6250 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1000 lb; Control Fluid Drain:1.3440 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Grease; Moment of inertia rotary group:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum Torque:Max 350°; Drive Speed:Left Hand; Control Pressure Measurement:1.5000 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Commercial; Sequence Valve:.5620 in; Maximum Volume Flow:With Lubrication Fitting; Load Pressure:.7500 in; Maximum rotational speed:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Torque:2.5000 in; Case volume:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:CFF; Voltage:10000 lb; Weight (approx.):1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-153-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum angular acceleration:0.6250 in; Power:1000 lb; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.3440 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Grease; Pilot Pressure:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Case volume:Max 350°; Determining Operating Characteristics:Left Hand; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.5000 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Commercial; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:.5620 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:With Lubrication Fitting; Drive Speed:.7500 in; Pressurefree Operation:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Torque:2.5000 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum rotational speed:CFF; Voltage:10000 lb; Weight (approx.):1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-184-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Control Pressure Measurement:0.6250 in; Maximum rotational speed:1000 lb; Pilot Pressure:1.3440 in; Rotary stiffness:Grease; Drive Power:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Max 350°; Moment of inertia rotary group:Left Hand; Flow:1.5000 in; Pressurefree Operation:Commercial; Control Fluid Drain:.5620 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:With Lubrication Fitting; Nominal Resistance:.7500 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Drive Speed:2.5000 in; Sequence Valve:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:CFF; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):10000 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Power:0.6250 in; Drive Speed:1000 lb; Rotary stiffness:1.3440 in; Weight (approx.):Grease; Determining Operating Characteristics:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Pilot Pressure:Max 350°; Voltage:Left Hand; Maximum angular acceleration:1.5000 in; Drive Power:Commercial; Maximum Volume Flow:.5620 in; Control Fluid Drain:With Lubrication Fitting; Control Pressure Measurement:.7500 in; Flow:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):2.5000 in; Maximum Torque:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:CFF; Load Pressure:10000 lb; Nominal Resistance:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Moment of inertia rotary group:0.6250 in; Rotary stiffness:1000 lb; Load Pressure:1.3440 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Grease; Maximum rotational speed:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Voltage:Max 350°; Sequence Valve:Left Hand; Weight (approx.):1.5000 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Commercial; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:.5620 in; Maximum angular acceleration:With Lubrication Fitting; Nominal Resistance:.7500 in; Maximum Torque:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Flow:2.5000 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Pressurefree Operation:CFF; Rate Of Pressure Change:10000 lb; Determining Operating Characteristics:1591009000; |
Yuken PV2R34-76-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump Video