BOSCH 0445110022 injector#Parts Table 1# | ||||||||
Cylinder Block | 50 mm | 72 mm | 12 mm | 4.8 | ||||
Push Rod | 70 mm | 150 mm | 92.5 mm | 0.13 kg | ||||
Friction Plate | 130 mm | 230 mm | 40 mm | 11.6 kN | ||||
Press Pin | 2.938 Inch | 74.625 Millimeter | 3.29 Inch | 83.566 Millimeter | 8482.40.00.00 | 10.442 | ||||
Seal Kits | 4 Inch | 101.6 Millimeter | | 56.8 mm | 21.792 | ||||
Variable Piston | SKF | 8483.20.40.80 | 5.88 Hz | 0.272 | ||||
Oil Distribution Plate | 1.772 Inch | 45 Millimeter | 2.835 Inch | 72 Millimeter | 0.866 Inch | 22 Millimeter | 0.203 | ||||
Skeleton Oil Seal | M8x25 | 64 mm | C3 | - | ||||
Disc Springs | 130 mm | 230 mm | 40 mm | 12 | ||||
Piston Sets | 95 | 200 | 67 | 0.272 | ||||
Gear Pump | 55 mm | 105 mm | 0.025 | Plain Inner Ring | 2 Rib Outer Ring | Steel Cage | Oil Hole In Outer Ring | ||||
Set Plate | Not Rated | N/A | No | Inch | ||||
Ball Guide | 4 Bolt Square Flange Block | 80 mm | Large / With Inner Case / Heavy Duty / With Spring Lock | 2.51 Kg |
BOSCH 0445110629 injector | Torque:6312N; Voltage:60x130x31; Maximum angular acceleration:60; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):130; Sequence Valve:31; Flow:60 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:130 mm; Control Fluid Drain:31 mm; Case volume:31 mm; Maximum Torque:4.06 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:3.1 mm; Drive Speed:2.1 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:0.5 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:125.22 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.70 Kg; Power:82 kN; Rotary stiffness:52 kN; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:5100 r/min; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Cylindrical Bore; Weight (approx.):Open; Maximum Volume Flow:Single Row; Maximum rotational speed:60 mm; Drive Power:130 mm; Pressurefree Operation:31 mm; Pilot Pressure:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110445 injector | Power:6312N; Case volume:60x130x31; Maximum Volume Flow:60; Rotary stiffness:130; Drive Power:31; Maximum angular acceleration:60 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:130 mm; Flow:31 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:31 mm; Pilot Pressure:4.06 mm; Nominal Resistance:3.1 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:2.1 mm; Drive Speed:0.5 mm; Control Fluid Drain:125.22 mm; Maximum rotational speed:1.70 Kg; Load Pressure:82 kN; Voltage:52 kN; Determining Operating Characteristics:5100 r/min; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Cylindrical Bore; Pressurefree Operation:Open; Sequence Valve:Single Row; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):60 mm; Weight (approx.):130 mm; Torque:31 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110636 injector | Voltage:6312N; Moment of inertia rotary group:60x130x31; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:60; Drive Speed:130; Drive Power:31; Determining Operating Characteristics:60 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:130 mm; Power:31 mm; Maximum Torque:31 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:4.06 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:3.1 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:2.1 mm; Case volume:0.5 mm; Maximum rotational speed:125.22 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:1.70 Kg; Pilot Pressure:82 kN; Sequence Valve:52 kN; Weight (approx.):5100 r/min; Load Pressure:Cylindrical Bore; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Open; Flow:Single Row; Torque:60 mm; Nominal Resistance:130 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:31 mm; Control Fluid Drain:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110631 injector | Maximum Volume Flow:6312N; Rate Of Pressure Change:60x130x31; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):60; Maximum angular acceleration:130; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:31; Load Pressure:60 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:130 mm; Pilot Pressure:31 mm; Case volume:31 mm; Drive Power:4.06 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:3.1 mm; Drive Speed:2.1 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.5 mm; Sequence Valve:125.22 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:1.70 Kg; Power:82 kN; Pressurefree Operation:52 kN; Voltage:5100 r/min; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Cylindrical Bore; Nominal Resistance:Open; Flow:Single Row; Weight (approx.):60 mm; Maximum rotational speed:130 mm; Control Fluid Drain:31 mm; Maximum Torque:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110447 injector | Control Fluid Drain:6312N; Maximum Volume Flow:60x130x31; Moment of inertia rotary group:60; Flow:130; Maximum rotational speed:31; Maximum angular acceleration:60 mm; Drive Power:130 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:31 mm; Voltage:31 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:4.06 mm; Rotary stiffness:3.1 mm; Load Pressure:2.1 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.5 mm; Weight (approx.):125.22 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1.70 Kg; Nominal Resistance:82 kN; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):52 kN; Power:5100 r/min; Rate Of Pressure Change:Cylindrical Bore; Maximum Torque:Open; Pilot Pressure:Single Row; Pressurefree Operation:60 mm; Drive Speed:130 mm; Sequence Valve:31 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110575 injector | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:6312N; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:60x130x31; Maximum Volume Flow:60; Pressurefree Operation:130; Moment of inertia rotary group:31; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):60 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:130 mm; Torque:31 mm; Flow:31 mm; Maximum rotational speed:4.06 mm; Drive Speed:3.1 mm; Maximum Torque:2.1 mm; Load Pressure:0.5 mm; Nominal Resistance:125.22 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.70 Kg; Weight (approx.):82 kN; Power:52 kN; Case volume:5100 r/min; Sequence Valve:Cylindrical Bore; Rate Of Pressure Change:Open; Control Pressure Measurement:Single Row; Pilot Pressure:60 mm; Control Fluid Drain:130 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:31 mm; Rotary stiffness:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110317 injector | Maximum rotational speed:6312N; Rotary stiffness:60x130x31; Weight (approx.):60; Case volume:130; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:31; Maximum Volume Flow:60 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:130 mm; Pressurefree Operation:31 mm; Voltage:31 mm; Control Fluid Drain:4.06 mm; Drive Power:3.1 mm; Power:2.1 mm; Drive Speed:0.5 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:125.22 mm; Torque:1.70 Kg; Nominal Resistance:82 kN; Control Pressure Measurement:52 kN; Maximum Torque:5100 r/min; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Cylindrical Bore; Flow:Open; Sequence Valve:Single Row; Rate Of Pressure Change:60 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):130 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:31 mm; Pilot Pressure:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110086 injector | Weight (approx.):6312N; Maximum rotational speed:60x130x31; Rotary stiffness:60; Maximum Torque:130; Control Fluid Drain:31; Rate Of Pressure Change:60 mm; Flow:130 mm; Drive Power:31 mm; Power:31 mm; Torque:4.06 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:3.1 mm; Voltage:2.1 mm; Sequence Valve:0.5 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:125.22 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1.70 Kg; Determining Operating Characteristics:82 kN; Case volume:52 kN; Maximum angular acceleration:5100 r/min; Nominal Resistance:Cylindrical Bore; Drive Speed:Open; Pilot Pressure:Single Row; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:60 mm; Pressurefree Operation:130 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:31 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110542 injector | Nominal Resistance:6312N; Case volume:60x130x31; Pressurefree Operation:60; Power:130; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):31; Maximum Volume Flow:60 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:130 mm; Drive Power:31 mm; Flow:31 mm; Pilot Pressure:4.06 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:3.1 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:2.1 mm; Torque:0.5 mm; Voltage:125.22 mm; Maximum rotational speed:1.70 Kg; Load Pressure:82 kN; Sequence Valve:52 kN; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:5100 r/min; Determining Operating Characteristics:Cylindrical Bore; Drive Speed:Open; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Single Row; Maximum Torque:60 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:130 mm; Weight (approx.):31 mm; Rotary stiffness:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110383 injector | Voltage:6312N; Control Fluid Drain:60x130x31; Flow:60; Rotary stiffness:130; Load Pressure:31; Maximum Volume Flow:60 mm; Maximum Torque:130 mm; Nominal Resistance:31 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:31 mm; Pressurefree Operation:4.06 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:3.1 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2.1 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.5 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:125.22 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:1.70 Kg; Rate Of Pressure Change:82 kN; Weight (approx.):52 kN; Sequence Valve:5100 r/min; Torque:Cylindrical Bore; Drive Speed:Open; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Single Row; Case volume:60 mm; Power:130 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:31 mm; Pilot Pressure:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110333 injector | Power:6312N; Rate Of Pressure Change:60x130x31; Control Fluid Drain:60; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:130; Moment of inertia rotary group:31; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:60 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:130 mm; Pilot Pressure:31 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:31 mm; Maximum rotational speed:4.06 mm; Drive Power:3.1 mm; Flow:2.1 mm; Voltage:0.5 mm; Rotary stiffness:125.22 mm; Torque:1.70 Kg; Load Pressure:82 kN; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:52 kN; Nominal Resistance:5100 r/min; Maximum Torque:Cylindrical Bore; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Open; Pressurefree Operation:Single Row; Sequence Valve:60 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:130 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:31 mm; Case volume:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110372 injector | Rate Of Pressure Change:6312N; Maximum Torque:60x130x31; Power:60; Determining Operating Characteristics:130; Drive Speed:31; Load Pressure:60 mm; Rotary stiffness:130 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:31 mm; Pilot Pressure:31 mm; Pressurefree Operation:4.06 mm; Sequence Valve:3.1 mm; Torque:2.1 mm; Nominal Resistance:0.5 mm; Maximum rotational speed:125.22 mm; Voltage:1.70 Kg; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:82 kN; Maximum angular acceleration:52 kN; Weight (approx.):5100 r/min; Drive Power:Cylindrical Bore; Control Pressure Measurement:Open; Case volume:Single Row; Maximum Volume Flow:60 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):130 mm; Flow:31 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.1 mm; r1:0.5 mm; Groove Width:3.1 mm; Groove Diameter:125.2 mm; a (max):4.1 mm; Dynamic Load Rating:82,000 N; Static Load Rating:52,000 N; Limiting Speed - Grease:5,400 rpm; Limiting Speed - Oil:6,300 rpm; Factor fo:13.2; Radial Clearance:0.008 to 0.028 mm; da (min):72 mm; Da (max):118 mm; Dx (min):141.5 mm; ra (max):2 mm; Cy (max):6.5 mm; |
BOSCH 0445110022 injector Video